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Acupuncture in Ealing for children and adults
Acupuncture in Ealing for children and adults
Acupuncture in Ealing for children and adults
Acupuncture in Ealing for children and adults
Acupuncture in Ealing for children and adults
Acupuncture in Ealing for children and adults
Acupuncture in Ealing for children and adults
Acupuncture in Ealing for children and adults
Acupuncture in Ealing for children and adults
Bach Flower essences
Bach flower essences are powerful yet gentle extracts from flowers, plants and natural sources which have a positive effect on emotional imbalances. Dr Edward Bach was a renowned bacteriologist, physician and homeopath. In the 1920’s and 30’s Dr Bach became more and more interested in the emotional causes of disease. He began searching for ways to connect with the emotional state, believing that healing on an emotional level would have effects on other levels - allowing the body to find its own natural state of health. Flower essences do not address specific physical ailments; rather, they address the underlying emotional issues that accompany health issues. Dr Bach came up with 38 remedies, each one corresponding with a specific shade of emotion. They can assist someone who has: anxiety, fear, stress, over-sensitivity, lack of confidence, lack of motivation, exhaustion, depression or mood swings. The theory is that every negative emotion has an opposing positive emotion, taking the essences can counteract the negative aspects and emphasise the positive. An example of this is someone who has a low self-esteem will start to believe in themselves.
Bach flower FAQ
How do I book an appointment?
From experience I try to keep the Bach flower consultation separate from Acupuncture treatments.
The initial consultation and follow up sessions take place online, I would ask you to fill in and send me a Bach Flower consultation form prior to the session. It takes 40-60 minutes, during which we talk about your emotional state and what would you like to change. I would then create a custom mixed remedy for you.
How many times will I need a remedy change?
I usually mix a bottle and ask you take it for 3-4 weeks, at the rate of 4 drops, 4 times daily, to observe shifts in your emotional state. We then book a follow up appointment and adjustments will be made depending upon your feedback. With the correct essence, you will feel an emotional shift within a few days. For example, if you have been experiencing anxiety, you may select a remedy with a calming vibration. If the remedy is correct, you should feel a subtle emotional shift and find yourself in a better place.
Are there any contraindication for Bach Flower Essences?
Bach remedies are safe, natural and have no adverse side effects. All remedies are made 100% naturally from spring water infused with wild flowers, either by the sun-steeped method or by boiling. They are hand produced exclusively in England. They contain 0.002% of alcohol which acts as preservative to the remedies. There are no contraindications, they are gluten free, can be taken with medications, during pregnancy (though pregnant women should seek advice of their doctor before taking any supplement) in palliative care, given to children and even animals.
They work well in conjunction with other herbal tincutres and therapies such as acupuncture.
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