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Botanicals are all products of plant origin that can contribute to the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA).

Homeobotanical therapy is a form of natural medicine that combines the liquid form of botanicals and principles of homeopathy to promote healing and wellness in the body. It is based on the ground that the body has an innate ability to heal itself, and by providing it with the right nutrients and support, it can be encouraged to do so more effectively. Once the herbal tincture has been diluted in a base, they are pounded, or potentized, to activate the dynamic herbal energy. Yet the remedies are not classified as herbal medicine, as it is 1000 times less than the recommended British Herbal Pharmacopoeia dose. Furthermore, no prescription which incorporates in excess of ten components would be accepted by a Homeopath. Homeobotanicals are extraordinary combination of the two healing disciplines which works on the physical and the vibrational energies.

They were originally put together by Dr. Brian Murray (ND, DO, PhD) in New Zealand over 30 years ago to reduce the cost of the commercial herbal formulations and to make them more accessible to everyone. To date they use organic and wildcrafted herbs.


Homeobotanicals FAQ

What are they?

All mixes were prepared according to British Herbal Pharmacopoeia, sometimes the herbs are combined to cancel out unpleasant or severe action of the original herb, or are combined to support all the necessary systems to address the imbalance. For example, the Migraine (Hb M) centred on migraines contains ingredients which supports the nervous system, stomach, gallbladder, pancreas and liver, which are imbalanced.

The beauty of homebotanicals, is that they are not herbal in the traditional sense as they contain the lowest amount of the herb/botanical (plant) to achieve the botanical effect. They are combined together and are diluted and succussed in the homeopathic way which makes them profoundly effective and yet cost effective.

​ How are the mixes made?
Remedies are available through certified Homeobotanical practitioners only. This ensures the correct remedy is made based on consultation, it is individualised and safe. The Practitioner blends and potentizes your each formula and will provide instructions for use. Remedy is normally dispensed into 30ml dropper bottle, the base can be water mixed with alcohol, glycerine or apple cider vinegar. The liquid drops are convenient and pleasant tasting, and the dose is easily adjusted, making them suitable for adults and children alike.

To make things more beneficial Hb can be supplemented with Bach Flower remedies to help with emotional state.


How much do I need to take?

I usually mix a 30ml bottle and ask you take it for 3-4 weeks, at the rate of 2-3 drops, 2-3 times daily directly on a tongue or in water. I suggest you observe how you are feeling, possibly make some notes. We then book a follow up appointment and discuss the effects; adjustments could be made depending upon your feedback.

The remedies are taken orally or could be made into a gel or cream and are easily absorbed by the body. They are safe and effective for people of all ages and can be used to treat a wide range of health conditions, including digestive disorders, hormonal imbalances, skin conditions, and even emotional issues such as anxiety.

Are there any contraindication for Homeobotanicals?

Homeobotanical tinctures are gentle, too low in active ingredients to produce a physical or pharmaceutical effect in the same way as concentrated herbs induce a therapeutic response. Sufficient active ingredients are present to produce physical effects in the body, but they are so low in concentration that the stimulation is gentle and safe. As a consequence, any toxicity in the original tinctures is so low, "side-effects" or adverse reactions are rare. As a precaution in order to protect the pregnant ladies some mixes may be contraindicated as they contain herbs contraindicated in pregnancy, ie Migraine or Sage. That is similar to acupuncture theories where we don’t use downward moving points when treating pregnant ladies, especially LI4 which is normally used in Migraines.

Homeobotanical Therapy is a CORE therapy, which means it blends well with all other healing protocols both naturopathic and allopathic in the acute and chronic management of illness.

The blends are Dietary Supplements designed for use as part of comprehensive care programme, they are not substitute to . No guarantee expressed or implied made for the clinical or therapeutic application of these preparations.

There are 52 individual tinctures  

Here are a few of my favourites:

Homeobotanicals for Hormones
HB Female– menstrual irregularities, pre-menstrual syndrome, menopausal hot flushes and the effects of hormonal treatments. It supports the endocrine system and balances periods, relieving menstrual and premenstrual symptoms including cramping pain.  Contains: Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh, Chaste Tee, Cramp Bark, Liquorice, Motherwort, Pasque Flower, Shepherds Purse, Squaw Fine and Wild Yam.

HB Female Plus– Hormonal stabilisation, prolonged hormonal treatment e.g. contraception or H.R.T specific for menopausal systems, hot flushes, night sweats. Contains the same herbs as HB Female but with the addition of Paeonia.

HB Migraine- gentle detoxifier, addressing liver, gallbladder, splenic and pancreatic physiology. Indication: sick headaches with visual disturbances and onset  arising  from stress or other origins. Contains: Betony, Blue Flag, Blood Root, Crydalis, Feverfew, Ginko,  Jamaican Dogwood, Rosemary.

HB Zest– Lack of energy. Adrenal stress due to overwork and chronic fatigue. Physical and emotional exhaustion. Rejuvenates digestion, circulation, hormonal equilibrium, stamina and libido .
Contains: Cayenne, Damiana, Ginger, Koka Nut, Korean Ginseng, Liquorice, Withania.

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Lavender, Homeobotanicals in Ealing
Homeobotanicals in Ealing
Homeobotanicals in Ealing
Homeobotanicals in Ealing
Homeobotanicals in Ealing
Homeobotanicals in Ealing
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